James W. Clarkes uppfatning om Christer Andersson


James W. Clarke

Professor James W. Clarkes uppfattning beträffande Olof Palmes gärningsmann:

”Kära Mr. Smith,

Jag har just återläst min rapport, just postat [= till Danmark], for första gången sedan den skrevs i 1998. Du och jag är ense om, att gärningsmannen bestämt var en suicidal Type II subjekt med vissa Type III karakteristika. Det syns för mig, att Christer Andersson nästan helt säkert är mördaren.

Bästa hälsningar, James W. Clarke”

I relation till Palmemordet – och professor James Clarkes vetskap om 21 mord och mordförsök på USAs presidenter och presidentkandidater – rekommenderas TV intervjun med Clarke på framsidan av hans hemsida: http://www.jameswclarke.net

Rapporten som omtalas i professor Clarkes e-mail är följande:

DefiningDangerJames W. Clarke: The Probable Assassin: A Confidential Report. Prepared for The Commission on the Criminal Investigation into the Assassination of Prime Minister Olof Palme, Stockholm, Sweden, 1998.

Du kan få mera generella uppgifter om Clarke här:


Her finns Clarkes e-mail till Paul Smith i originaltext:

“Dear Mr. Smith,

I just re-read my report, just mailed, the first time since it was written in 1998.  You and I agree, the assassin was an ultimately a suicidal Type II subject with some Type III characteristics.  It does seem to me that Christer Andersson was almost certainly the assassin.

Sincerely, James W. Clarke”

(E-mail från J.W. Clarke den 11.5. 2013.)

Jonas Nordin on March 14, 2018 at 3:16 pm said:

I am 100 % sure that Christer Andersson is Olof Palmes killer. He is the perfekt candidate.
Why is he ignorered by Swedish media?
Palmehate, 357 magnum with 6 tums Pipe, a perfect signalement, 1.85 lång (perfekt), No alibi, lies about his alibi, Lives 15 minuters from crime scene, Robert Resslers profile (a 100% match) osv

PaulSmith on March 14, 2018 at 5:59 pm said:

Hey Jonas Nordin,
I agree with You, and I guess, that the explanation is ‘cultural’. We are in Scandinavia, where Sweden like to be the oldest and most clever brother:
I am 1/4 Swedish, and I speak the language and have had a summer house in Sweden for more than 30 years:
So I think, that the Swedish press don’t like the idea, that i Dane has solved the case.
Only if I had been a Norwegian, it would have been even Worse! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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